How I Copy my Obsidian Files into my git Repository


My workflow for frequently publishing content to my personal website with Obsidian relies on constantly fetching files from my Obsidian vault into my git repo and pushing it straight to GitHub, triggering a Vercel deployment.

How It Works

I have a yarn script called cpAndPush that I run from the command line:

yarn cpAndPush

cpAndPush looks like this:

yarn prebuild:cpFiles && git add . && git commit -m 'update content' && git push origin HEAD

For this script to work, there are a few notes about my workflow:

  • I work on main for my personal website, so doing this publishes to
  • I keep my local repo clean if I'm not actively working on something. If I need to run this and have development changes, I'll run git stash save -u -k "wip" before running yarn cpAndPush so that my working tree is clean

yarn prebuild:cpFiles runs a script I have locally that fetches files from my Obsidian vault into my content directory.

Chase Adams