Future Fluent Framework (Alpha)



This was a first iteration of my future fluency framework (current future fluency framework). The ideas are still interesting but they've been subsumed.

As I've been exploring the intersections of my expertise, my knowledge and my energy, I've found myself drawn to four interconnected themes that I believe the world needs and I'm qualified and energized to write about:

  • Productivity
  • Software
  • AI
  • Future of Work

These four pillars form what I call my Future Fluent Framework - a conceptual framework that guides my exploration of the most pressing issues and exciting opportunities in our tech-driven world.

But why these four? And why a star?

The Future Fluent Framework isn't just a tool for organizing my thoughts.

It's a compass for navigating the complex terrain of modern work and technology.

It's a catalyst for combinatorial creativity, encouraging me to explore the fascinating intersections between these fields.

And most importantly, it's a bridge - connecting seemingly disparate ideas and helping my readers—The Future Fluent—see the bigger picture.

What follows is a summary of the categories. These category summaries are to help me focus my writing and to help you get a clear picture of what to expect here.

Major Writing Categories


Productivity is the art of achieving more with less effort.

It's about optimizing your time, energy, and resources to produce high-quality work efficiently.

In this category, I explore strategies and techniques to enhance personal and professional output, with a focus on workflow discovery and automation.


In the AI category, I explore current applications, potential future impacts and how to navigate a world where AI is available with the goal of making complex concepts accessible to a broad audience.

I believe that the magic of AI is an amplifier for human potential. It's not about replacing minds, but expanding them.

Future of Work

In the future of work category, I examine emerging trends shaping the workplace of tomorrow and explore practices that can help teams pull the future into the present.

It delves into self-organizing and self-managing organizations, exponential growth models, and evolving collaboration techniques.

Readers will gain insights into adapting to and thriving in the rapidly changing work environment.


Software is about the practice of solving tomorrow's problems with today's code.

In the software category, I explore software as tools along sharing aspects of the mindset of programmatic thinking.

I also bridge the gap between code and creative problem-solving, empowering readers to leverage technology effectively.

Combinatorial Categories

If you look closely at the next image, you'll see that my Future Fluent Framework (which I also use as a logo), sits at the intersection of the categories.

Each magenta circle in each section of the venn diagram represents a combinatorial category—a category that represents the intersection of 2 or more categories.

Two-category Intersections

  • Productivity + Future of Work - Exploring new productivity paradigms in evolving work environments.
  • Productivity + Software - Leveraging software tools to streamline and optimize work processes. Workflow automation is the primary focus of this combinatorial category.
  • Productivity + AI - Leveraging artificial intelligence to boost personal and organizational productivity.
  • Future of Work + Software - Exploring innovative software reshaping remote and collaborative work.
  • Future of Work + AI - Examining how AI is transforming roles and organizational structures. There's a primary focus on how AI can help an individual go farther, faster, with higher quality output with less cognitive overhead.
  • Software + AI - Integrating AI capabilities into software development and applications.

Three-category Intersections

  • Productivity + Future of Work + Software - Cutting-edge software tools designed for the future of productive work.
  • Productivity + Future of Work + AI - Exploring AI-driven work optimization, using AI to enhance productivity in evolving work environments.
  • Productivity + Software + AI- AI-powered software solutions for maximizing efficiency and effectivity and how to create smart productivity systems that amplify you.
  • Future of Work + Software + AI - How AI and software are jointly reshaping the future of work.

Four-category intersection

This is the combinatorial category that sits at the center of my Future Fluent Framework.

Productivity + Future of Work + Software + AI: The convergence of AI, software, and new work paradigms to redefine productivity.

Bringing It All Together

The Future Fluent Framework framework isn't just a tool for organizing my thoughts—it's a roadmap for exploring the interconnected landscape of modern work and technology.

By focusing on the four key areas of Productivity, Future of Work, AI and Software and their intersections, my goal is to provide you with a comprehensive, forward-thinking perspective on how we can navigate and thrive in our rapidly evolving world.

This is what it means to be Future Fluent.

As we explore these categories together, we'll uncover:

  • How productivity techniques can be enhanced by AI and software
  • The ways in which the future of work is being shaped by technological advancements
  • Practical applications of AI that can improve our daily lives and work processes
  • Innovative software solutions that bridge the gap between present challenges and future possibilities

My goal is to make these complex topics accessible, actionable, and relevant to your personal and professional growth. Whether you're a small business owner or non-technical leader in your workplace, tech enthusiast, a productivity junkie, or simply curious about the future of work, there's something here for you.

This Article is Still in Progress

This post is a work in progress and not yet complete. If you're interested in reading the full article, let me know!

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Chase Adams